My practice serves individuals, families, and couples. Patients have sought my help in the context of grief, separation, depression, anxiety, isolation, parenting plan, learning disabilities, divorce, trauma history, illness, professional relocation, school transfer, career change, and cross cultural transition.
As a psychotherapist, I offer patients a collaborative space where they can reflect upon and recognize their own desire. I offer support in generating creative solutions tailored to the particularities of my patients' lives through active listening, consulting, counseling, networking, and advocating. When other services are indicated, I recommend appropriate professionals.
In my work with children, I help them talk about their experience, being challenged academically, emotionally, culturally and in their family interactions. With their parents, we find them the support they need to become autonomous human beings. Sometimes, parents also need a space to formulate their vision for their children. My office becomes a place where they can talk to each other, share their worries and concerns, and regain confidence in their parenting.
In couple therapy, I work with couples who choose to better understand their relationship. I help them implement changes that are necessary to pursue their journey together, as partners and as individuals.
Typically, services are provided in my office. However, I also provide home and school-based interventions when necessary.
Consultation and supervision are available to colleagues who seek my help to think about their work.
I provide bilingual psychotherapy, and consultation in French and in English.